
Our machines are 
Medically certified

Most of our customers work in the health field, that means, operators have to follow strict requirements for the used products. In order to fulfil these requirements, most of our machines are medical products according to 93/42 EWG, class IIa. The medically certified machines of class IIa are tested by an external facility with respect to accuracy, safety, effectiveness and usability...

Our machines are
grid independent

Grid independence – great freedom for you and the environment.

With the exception of the treadmills and the power consoles, in the first instance, our machines are grid-independent. This saves unsightly and annoying cables, but also electricity costs for continuous operation.

Since the beginning of our company, we have sold machines that are grid-independent. This is one of our USPs, or to say it more verbosely, one of our competitive edges.

Thus, you have complete freedom where to put the machines and you can change your decision...

We are
SERVICE oriented

We emphasize service and this does not just relate to our technical service, but to all other areas where we are in contact with our customers and business partners.

emotion fitness is a family business and has been on the market for almost 30 years. We are big enough to work professionally and we are small enough to have a personal relationship with our colleagues, business partners and customers...

We are

Sustainability from beginning to end. The life cycle of a product starts – obviously – with the production. All our machines are made in Germany and besides the treadmills, they are grid-independent, long lived and the used materials are recyclable. 

Our machines use resources economically, not only regarding the most obvious issue which is electricity consumption. All our finished products are made in Germany. This means that our biggest outlet market is also our production site....

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emotion fitness -  this is us!

We have been active in the sports and medical market for more than 30 years with our own products and from the very beginning we tried to push the design of the products towards the customer’s benefit. The training and therapy on an ergometer needs to feel comfortable and a basic requirement for this is a smooth movement as well as an easy to understand control unit. Since day one our machines were mainly power independent which gives you the freedom to position the machine wherever you want without any cable traps. The current Polar pulse system is a standard and our our machines watt accuracy follows the highest standards to the according application. The training and therapy programs are designed to support various applications of therapy and training goals.

We do not only think of the patient or athlete using our machines but also of the professional service provider using our machines to ensure a constant service level.  

We design and produce all of our machines in Germany and want to be a role model for long lasting machines and low service and maintenance needs. Besides that, we have always kept the construction simple and similar over the years in order to empower the operator to conduct little services on their own. Our spare parts are being sold at a reasonable price and thereby we ensure low maintenance costs leading to a win-win-situation for operators and users.

motion sprint 900 SE

The motion sprint 900 SE offers all the comfort and the advantages of the lamella system, just like the SL version. The scope of benefits is reduced by the gradient adjustment which therefore reduces the costs for this machine.

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motion easy move

With the motion easy move system, you can turn our bicycle ergometer into a device which fulfils all requirements of a medical training system, yet, it is still mobile. It is a roller lever system which can be mounted to our motion cycle 100 med, and the motion cycle 900 fit/med ex works or as a retrofit.

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motion cross 900

The motion cross 900 is a popular machine for trainees who appreciate the upright body posture and comprehensive activation...

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